Country houses in Pedreguer
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Country home holiday rentals in Pedreguer
Out of all of the services you can find on Spain-Holiday, it seems that the fincas in Pedreguer contain everything that holidaymakers search for! Here, fincas generally have a variety of facilities, the most popular being: balcony (95%), Wi-Fi (89%), and air conditioning (79%)... What are you waiting for?
What are the reviews like for the fincas in Pedreguer?The fincas in this destination receive many good reviews from holiday-makers. 47% of the fincas in Pedreguer have excellent reviews and an average rating of 4.5 stars!
Are the fincas in Pedreguer pet-friendly?The percentage of fincas that accept pets and those that do not is quite even. Based on this, we recommend you not wait too long to make a reservation in order to ensure that your pet can travel with you.
Do the fincas in Pedreguer tend to come with an internet connection?Yes! According to Spain-Holiday's database, 89% of fincas in Pedreguer offer Wi-Fi. You will be able to browse the internet during your stay!
What is the average price of fincas in Pedreguer?Most of the fincas in Pedreguer (95%) in general cost less than £100 a night. Therefore, this destination is perfect for finding a cheap finca!
Do the fincas in Pedreguer usually have a swimming pool?of course! Judging by information from Spain-Holiday, a large portion of fincas in Pedreguer have access to a swimming pool. Perfect for spending your summer holiday by the pool! 58% even have a barbecue!
Are the fincas in Pedreguer suitable for holidays with the whole family or rather for a weekend break as a couple?Judging by information from Spain-Holiday, 100% of fincas are suitable for up to four people. Approximately 100% of the fincas here include at least two separate bedrooms. Pedreguer is the perfect destination for families of four!
Are the fincas in Pedreguer the best option for a luxurious trip?Exactly! The fincas are well equipped in Pedreguer. If you are looking for a unique holiday property, you shouldn't delay in making a reservation because 47% have a pool, 79% have a garden but none have a sauna. Also, if what you are looking for is a spacious property, 100% of the fincas can accommodate groups of more than four adults and 79% have green spaces in their vicinity.
Do the fincas in Pedreguer offer outdoor space to enjoy?95% of fincas have a balcony or terrace, and 21% have a view. But it is not very common, so availability can be limited. If this is important to you, you should anticipate a bit more time for research. Also, don't forget to use the filters that suit you the best to be sure to find the finca that is perfect for you. However, 79% of fincas in Pedreguer have gardens, where you can bask in the sun. If you like to have lunch or dinner outside, and especially if you like barbecues, 58% of the fincas have them.
If you are thinking of travelling to Pedreguer do you know the best time to do it?Without a doubt, Pedreguer is the perfect place to enjoy summer like never before. This is because according to the data, 47% of the properties here have a swimming pool, 79% have a garden and 79% have air conditioning. What are you waiting for? Reserve a finca in Pedreguer so you can enjoy your holidays.