Country houses in Tegueste
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Country home holiday rentals in Tegueste
Out of all of the services available on Spain-Holiday, it appears that the fincas in Tegueste have everything that travellers desire! Here, fincas generally offer a variety of amenities, the most popular being: barbecue (100%), garden (100%), and balcony (100%)... Not bad, right?
Do the fincas in Tegueste mostly come with an internet connection?Certainly! According to the data collected last year, 100% of fincas in Tegueste have an internet connection. You will be able to stay connected throughout your stay!
How much does it usually cost to rent fincas in Tegueste?A big percentage of fincas in Tegueste (100%) cost less than £100 a night. Therefore, this destination is perfect for finding an affordable finca!
Are the fincas in Tegueste suitable for stays with several people or better for a holiday as a couple?In Tegueste, based on last year's information, 100% of fincas accept up to eight travellers, and 100% of these fincas are made up of at least four bedrooms. But 100% of fincas also welcome small groups of up to four travellers, and 100% of the fincas include at least two separate bedrooms. This is, therefore, the perfect destination for travelling in small or large groups, with family or friends!
Are the fincas in Tegueste the best option for a luxurious stay?By looking at Spain-Holiday, we can assure you that the fincas in Tegueste are often the ideal option for those who want to enjoy a luxury trip. Here, 0% of the accommodations have a swimming pool, 100% have a garden and even 0% have a sauna. Also, if what you are looking for is space, 100% of the fincas can accommodate groups of more than four adults, and 100% have green spaces nearby.
When it is best to travel to Tegueste?Judging by the amenities at the fincas in Tegueste, it is a destination that suits all seasons of the year. This is because there are very varied options, with all the characteristics one can imagine. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy Tegueste in comfort all year round.