Country houses in Puerto de la Cruz
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Property types and holiday ideas in Puerto de la Cruz
Country home holiday rentals in Puerto de la Cruz
Among the services available on Spain-Holiday, it seems that the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz contain everything that travellers need! Here, fincas generally include a variety of facilities, the most popular being: barbecue (100%), garden (80%), and Wi-Fi (80%)... Tempted?
How do travellers usually rate fincas in Puerto de la Cruz?The fincas here often have a lot of positive reviews. Many (60%) have a rating of 4.5 stars, which tells us that here you can easily find the perfect finca for your next holiday!
Are the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz suitable for holidaymakers who wish to travel with their pets?There is a fairly equal number of fincas in Puerto de la Cruz that accept pets and those that do not. Based on this, we recommend you not wait too long to make a reservation to ensure that your pet can accompany you.
Do the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz generally offer an internet connection?Of course! According to Spain-Holiday's data, 80% of fincas in Puerto de la Cruz offer an internet connection. This means that you will be able to browse the internet at any time!
How much does it cost to rent fincas in Puerto de la Cruz?Most of the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz (100%) in general cost less than £100 per night. This is the perfect destination for reserving an affordable finca!
Do the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz usually come equipped with a swimming pool?For sure! Judging by information from Spain-Holiday, many of the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz are equipped with a swimming pool. Fancy a weekend at the pool and relaxing with friends? Don't delay to book a finca in Puerto de la Cruz! In addition,100% even have a barbecue!
Are the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz suitable for trips in big groups or better for a weekend break as a couple?Here, based on last year's information, 40% of fincas are suitable for groups of up to eight travellers, and 40% of these fincas have at least four bedrooms. But 100% of fincas also have facilities for groups of up to four guests, and 80% of the fincas are made up of at least two separate bedrooms. Puerto de la Cruz is, therefore, the perfect destination for groups of friends of all sizes!
Are the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz luxurious?By looking at Spain-Holiday, we can assure you that the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz are often an excellent option for those who want to experience a luxurious stay. This is because in Puerto de la Cruz, 40% of accommodations have a swimming pool, 80% have a garden and even 0% have a sauna. Also, if what you are looking for is space, 100% of the fincas can accommodate groups of more than four adults, and 80% have green spaces nearby.
Are you able to enjoy a beautiful view and spend time outside at the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz?20% of fincas have a balcony or terrace, and 20% have a view. But this does not represent the majority of properties here, so availability can be limited. If this is important to you, you should start your research early. Also, don't forget to use the filters to be sure to find the finca of your dreams. However, 80% of fincas in Puerto de la Cruz have gardens, where you can enjoy the outdoors. If you like to have lunch or dinner outside, and especially if you like barbecues, 100% of the fincas have them.
If you are thinking of travelling to Puerto de la Cruz do you know what is the most suitable time of the year?The facilities found at the fincas in Puerto de la Cruz demonstrate that it is a holiday destination that can adapt to all tastes and times of the year. This is because there are properties with swimming pools, air conditioning and even fireplaces. You can be sure that Puerto de la Cruz is an ideal place to enjoy both summer and winter.