Beach villas in Palma
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Holiday villas near the beach in Palma
Out of all of the services available on Spain-Holiday, it appears that the beach villas in Palma offer everything that travellers dream of! Here, beach villas generally have a variety of facilities, the most popular being: Wi-Fi (97%), balcony (90%), and garden (83%)... What more could you want?!
How are the beach villas usually rated in Palma?The beach villas here have many good reviews from travellers. Many (43%) have a rating of 4.5 stars, which suggests that here you can easily find the perfect beach villa for your next holiday!
Are the beach villas in Palma suitable for holidaymakers who wish to travel with their pets?In general, a small percentage of beach villas in Palma accept furry friends. We can therefore advise that there are more suitable destinations in Spain for owners and their pets.
Do the beach villas in Palma mostly offer an internet connection?Yes! According to Spain-Holiday's data, 97% of beach villas in Palma include an internet connection. This means that you will be able to stay connected throughout your stay!
How much does it usually cost to rent beach villas in Palma?A high percentage of beach villas in Palma (80%) in general cost less than £100 a night. Therefore, this destination is perfect for reserving a budget-friendly beach villa!
Do the beach villas in Palma often have a fireplace or a swimming pool?Good news! Judging by last year's information, 68% of beach villas in Palma are equipped with a swimming pool. This is a dream destination for sunbathing and relaxing by the swimming pool! 77% even have a barbecue!
Are the beach villas in Palma suitable for trips with the whole family or better for a holiday as a couple?Here, according to the information gathered last year, 65% of beach villas are suitable for up to eight people, and 73% of these beach villas contain at least four bedrooms. But 100% of beach villas also welcome small groups of up to four travellers, and 100% of the beach villas are made up of at least two separate bedrooms. Palma is, therefore, the ideal destination for large and small groups on holiday!
Are the beach villas in Palma luxurious?Yes! 68% have a pool, 83%have a garden, and 2% even have a sauna. In this destination you will find all of the comforts that you need for a perfect holiday. What more could you want? Air-conditioning? Absolutely, 60% of the beach villas come equipped with this feature. You'll have no trouble finding your next holiday paradise.
Would you like to know which months are the best for planning a trip to Palma?Without a doubt, Palma is the perfect place to enjoy summer like never before. This is because according to Spain-Holiday's internal data, 68% of the properties here have a swimming pool, 83% have a garden and 60% have air conditioning. Don't wait any longer to book your accommodation in Palma to enjoy an unforgettable holiday.