Holiday rentals in San Isidro Tenerife (San Miguel de Abona)
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Beautiful holiday homes for rent in San Isidro Tenerife
Out of all of the services you can find on Spain-Holiday, it seems that the holiday lettings in San Isidro contain everything that travellers need! Here, holiday lettings generally have a variety of amenities, the most popular being: Wi-Fi (100%), balcony (67%), and barbecue (33%)... What are you waiting for?
How are the holiday lettings generally rated in San Isidro?The holiday lettings here often have a lot of positive reviews. 33% of the holiday lettings in San Isidro have an average rating of 4.5 stars!
Are the holiday lettings in San Isidro suitable for holidaymakers who wish to travel with their pets?According to Spain-Holiday's information, only 6% of holiday lettings in San Isidro accept pets. We can therefore assume that there are better destinations in Spain for owners and their pets.
Do the holiday lettings in San Isidro often offer an internet connection?Yes! According to Spain-Holiday's database, 100% of holiday lettings in San Isidro offer an internet connection. You will be able to browse the internet at any time!
What is the average price of holiday lettings in San Isidro?A big percentage of holiday lettings in San Isidro (100%) in general cost less than £100 a night. This is the dream destination for finding a cheap holiday letting!
Are the holiday lettings in San Isidro suitable for trips with several people or better for an escape as a small group?According to the information collected last year, 72% of holiday lettings are perfect for families with up to four guests. Approximately 61% of the holiday lettings here have at least two separate bedrooms. This is the perfect destination for small groups of friends!
When planning a luxurious trip to San Isidro, are holiday lettings a good choice?Exactly! The holiday lettings are well equipped in San Isidro. So if you are looking for holiday lettings in San Isidro, you shouldn't delay in making a reservation because 0% have a pool, 6% have a garden but none have a sauna.
When it is best to travel to San Isidro?The characteristics of the accommodation in San Isidro demonstrate that it is a holiday destination that can adapt to all types of tourists and times of the year. This is because there is a wide range of properties and services. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy San Isidro in comfort all year round.