Country houses in Rojales
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Country home holiday rentals in Rojales
Among the services you can find on Spain-Holiday, it seems that the fincas in Rojales have everything that travellers search for! Here, fincas generally offer a variety of amenities, the most popular being: Wi-Fi (90%), swimming pool (90%), and air conditioning (81%)... Tempted?
What are the reviews like for the fincas in Rojales?On average, the fincas get quite positive reviews. Last year's information reveals that 29% of fincas have a rating of 4.5 stars. This is a relatively high percentage which allows us to confirm that you will without a doubt find the ideal finca for a wonderful holiday!
Are the fincas in Rojales suitable for travellers and their pets?The amount of fincas in Rojales that admit visitors with their pets, as well as those who do not, is quite similar. Based on this, it's better if you don't delay in making your reservation to ensure that your pet can accompany you.
Do the fincas in Rojales tend to offer Wi-Fi?Of course! According to the data collected last year, 90% of fincas in Rojales offer an internet connection. You will be able to stay connected at any time!
How much do guests usually expect to pay for fincas in Rojales?A high percentage of fincas in Rojales (100%) cost less than £100 a night. This is the ideal destination for reserving an affordable finca!
Do the fincas in Rojales often have a swimming pool?Good news! According to Spain-Holiday's information, 90% of fincas in Rojales have a swimming pool. It's the ideal destination for you to spend the summer months! 52% even have a barbecue!
Are the fincas in Rojales suitable for trips with friends or rather for a holiday as a couple?According to the information collected last year, 100% of fincas are made for up to four people. Approximately 100% of the fincas here have at least two separate bedrooms. Rojales is the perfect destination for families of four!
Are the fincas in Rojales the best option for a luxurious trip?Yes! 90% have a pool, 81%have a garden, and 0% even have a sauna. Here you will find all of the amenities that you need to enjoy a relaxing holiday. What else can you ask for? Air-conditioning? Absolutely, 81% of the fincas have part of the accommodation equipped with this feature. You'll have no trouble finding your next holiday paradise.
Are you able to enjoy a beautiful view and spend time outside at the fincas in Rojales?71% of fincas have a balcony or terrace, and 10% have a view. But it is not very common, so availability can be limited. If this is important to you, you should anticipate a bit more time for research. Also, don't forget to use the filters to be sure to find the finca of your dreams. However, 81% of fincas in Rojales have gardens, where you can enjoy the outdoors. If you like to have lunch or dinner outside, and especially if you like barbecues, 52% of the fincas have them.
If you are thinking of travelling to Rojales do you know the ideal time of year?If we take a look at the characteristics of the holiday rentals in Rojales, it is easy to say that this is an ideal summer destination. This is because according to Spain-Holiday's internal data, 90% of the properties here have a swimming pool, 81% have a garden and 81% have air conditioning. Don't wait any longer to book your accommodation in Rojales to enjoy an unforgettable holiday.