Country homes on Costa de Galicia
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- Fincas Galician Coast
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Property types and holiday ideas in Galician Coast
Farmhouse or country house close to Costa de Galicia
Among the services you can find on Spain-Holiday, it seems that the fincas in Galician Coast contain everything that travellers desire! Here, fincas generally offer a variety of facilities, the most popular being: Wi-Fi (95%), balcony (79%), and barbecue (74%)... What more could you want?!
How do travellers usually rate fincas in Galician Coast?On average, the fincas here are quite highly rated. According to Spain-Holiday, 26% of fincas have a rating equivalent to or higher than 4.5 stars. This is a fairly high ratio which allows us to confirm that there are quite a few which are very enjoyable and will be the perfect choice for your next holiday.
Are the fincas in Galician Coast pet-friendly?Certainly! In Galician Coast, 47% of the fincas are pet-friendly, and 68% also have a garden!
Do the fincas in Galician Coast tend to have an internet connection?Of course! According to last year's data, 95% of fincas in Galician Coast have an internet connection. This means that you will be able to stay connected at any time!
What is the average price of fincas in Galician Coast?Most of the fincas in Galician Coast (100%) cost less than £100 per night. Therefore, this destination is perfect for finding a budget-friendly finca!
Do the fincas in Galician Coast generally come equipped with a swimming pool?Yes! Judging by last year's information, a large portion of fincas in Galician Coast have access to a swimming pool. It is therefore an ideal destination for a long summer weekend! 74% even have a barbecue!
Are the fincas in Galician Coast suitable for holidays with the whole family or rather for an escape as a small group?Here, according to Spain-Holiday, 79% of fincas are suitable for groups of up to eight guests, and 63% of these fincas are made up of at least four bedrooms. But 100% of fincas also welcome small groups of up to four travellers, and 95% of the fincas are made up of at least two separate bedrooms. This is, therefore, the perfect destination for groups of friends of all sizes!
Are the fincas in Galician Coast a good option for a luxurious holiday?Absolutely! The fincas are well equipped in Galician Coast. So if you are looking for fincas in Galician Coast, you shouldn't wait long to book because 42% have a pool, 68% have a garden but none have a sauna. Also, if what you are looking for is space, 100% of the fincas can accommodate big groups and 68% have green spaces in their vicinity.
If you are thinking of travelling to Galician Coast do you know what is the most suitable time of the year?The characteristics of the accommodation in Galician Coast show that it is a holiday destination that can adapt to all types of tourists and times of the year. This is because there are properties with swimming pools, air conditioning and even fireplaces. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy Galician Coast when you feel like it.