Holiday rentals in Barcelona Beach (Barcelona city)
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Beautiful holiday homes for rent in Barcelona Beach
Out of all of the services you can find on Spain-Holiday, it appears that the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach contain everything that travellers search for! Here, holiday lettings generally have a variety of facilities, the most popular being: Wi-Fi (100%), air conditioning (77%), and balcony (47%)... Not bad, right?
What are the reviews like for the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach?According to Spain-Holiday, most of the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach receive a rating of less than 4.5 stars. It may therefore be not so easy for you to find well-rated holiday letting.
Are the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach suitable for holidaymakers and their pets?Generally, only 4% of holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach accept pets. We can therefore assume that there are better destinations in Spain to take your faithful companion with you.
Do the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach tend to have Wi-Fi?Yes! According to Spain-Holiday's data, 100% of holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach have Wi-Fi. You will be able to browse the internet during your stay!
What is the average price of holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach?A big percentage of holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach (81%) cost less than £100 per night. Therefore, this destination is perfect for finding a cheap holiday letting!
Do the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach typically have a swimming pool?Certainly! According to the information collected last year, many of the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach are equipped with a swimming pool. It is therefore an ideal destination for a long summer weekend!
Are the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach suitable for stays with several people or better for an escape as a small group?Judging by information from Spain-Holiday, 66% of holiday lettings are suitable for up to four travellers. Approximately 64% of the holiday lettings here have at least two separate bedrooms. This is the ideal destination for going in a small group on holiday!
Are the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach the best option for a luxurious stay?Sure! The holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach are quite well-equipped. However, if you are looking for unique holiday accommodation, we advise you not to wait too long to make the reservation, since the availability of accommodation fills up quickly. Out of all accommodations in Barcelona Beach, 26% have a pool, 4% have a garden but none have a sauna.
Would you like to know which months are most recommended for planning a trip to Barcelona Beach?Judging by the amenities at the holiday lettings in Barcelona Beach, it is the perfect destination both in summer and winter. This is because there are very varied options, with all the characteristics one can imagine. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy Barcelona Beach when you feel like it.